Rank and File of Ana Membership Predominantly Female, Somewhat Diverse: Report | About the ANA | ANA

Rank and File of ANA Membership Predominantly Female, Somewhat Diverse: Report

Data Demonstrates Less Progress in Leadership Roles

NEW YORK (May 8, 2018) — ANA client-side membership is overwhelmingly female, white, and heterosexual — but nonetheless is more gender and ethnically diverse than CMOs at ANA member companies.

Those are the findings after comparing two ANA (Association of National Advertiser) studies. The first was released last month and identified gender equality and ethnic diversity among CMOs at ANA member companies; the second is being released today and breaks new ground, as it represents the findings of a seven-year internal examination of gender equality and ethnic diversity among more than 23,000 self-identified individuals at ANA member companies.

From 2011 through February 2018, the ANA asked member-company marketers who created ANA accounts to activate their membership to voluntarily and anonymously answer questions related to four characteristics: gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability. The table below reveals the findings and compares them to the ANA’s recent CMO diversity analysis. The findings validate long-standing intuitive beliefs:

  • Member marketers are heavily female, but fewer women than men are considered for CMO/CMO equivalent positions.
  • Member marketers are “reasonably diverse” at the rank and file level, but this drops precipitously when considered for CMO/CMO equivalent positions.


ANA Rank and File Membership

ANA CMO/CMO Equivalents




Gender Equality



  • Male

33 percent

55 percent

  • Female

67 percent

45 percent




Ethnic Diversity



  • White

74 percent

87 percent

  • Asian

10 percent

5 percent

  • Hispanic

8 percent

5 percent

  • Black/African-American

6 percent

3 percent

  • Other

2 percent


Additionally, the study findings indicate that 96 percent of overall ANA membership is heterosexual and less than 1 percent are disabled.

“The data we collected shows that while women overwhelmingly comprise the bulk of the marketing industry’s workforce, they still lag behind in leadership roles,” said ANA President Christine Manna, who oversaw the report. “That’s an area we plan to focus on as we increase our efforts to bring more diversity to the overall workforce and to the senior ranks of top marketers.”

Last year, the ANA launched the Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), an initiative that, among a portfolio of priorities, seeks to address the lack of ethnic diversity in the marketing industry. AIMM is working to unite the industry to elevate diversity and increase multicultural marketing as strategic imperatives.

This effort parallels the work of the ANA’s Alliance for Family Entertainment (AFE), which oversees the #SeeHer movement. That initiative includes a focus on gender equality.

To bring greater understanding to the total marketplace, the ANA is piloting a “diversity scorecard” project with its Board of Directors. Depending on the success of the pilot, the ANA hopes to create a long-term annual “diversity scorecard” for the entire marketing community, including agencies and media.



The mission of the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) is to drive growth for marketing professionals, brands and businesses, the industry, and humanity. The ANA serves the marketing needs of 20,000 brands by leveraging the 12-point ANA Growth Agenda, which has been endorsed by the Global CMO Growth Council. The ANA’s membership consists of U.S. and international companies, including client-side marketers, nonprofits, fundraisers, and marketing solutions providers (data science and technology companies, ad agencies, publishers, media companies, suppliers, and vendors). The ANA creates Marketing Growth Champions by serving, educating, and advocating for more than 50,000 industry members that collectively invest more than $400 billion in marketing and advertising annually.


John Wolfe
Director of Communications
Office: 212.455.8011
Cell: 914.659.8663
Email: jwolfe@ana.net