2017 Marketing Word of the Year: Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Industry Insights | All MKC Content | ANA

2017 Marketing Word of the Year: Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Since 2014, the ANA has surveyed our members to identify the marketing word of the year. The ANA staff identifies a list of finalists and then asks members to cast their votes to determine the winner. This year, voting was done online during the week of November 27. In total, 403 members participated. "Artificial Intelligence (AI)" was selected by ANA members as the ANA 2017 Marketing Word of the Year.

Representative verbatim comments from those who voted for Artificial Intelligence (AI) are:

  • It's not just the marketing word of the year. It's the transformative phenomenon that's going to reshape the world as we now know it.
  • Automation, machine learning, cognitive... if we aren't thinking about using it, employing it already, or at the very least talking about it, we're missing out on some incredible "on the cusp" opportunities.
  • 2017 was the year that AI moved from being this weird, misunderstood term on the periphery of marketing consciousness to this weird, somewhat understood term spiraling closer to the epicenter of marketing, on an unavoidable collision course with our daily lives and jobs.
  • Seems to be something many marketers talk about this year, but not many understand the implications for marketing.
  • AI has gone from something to think about to real-world development and implementation.

Download the full report to learn more.


"2017 Marketing Word of the Year: Artificial Intelligence (AI)." ANA, 2017.
