Infographics: 2014 ANA/Forrester Survey: Media Buying’s Evolution Challenges Marketers | Research Infographics | Research Studies | All MKC Content | ANA

Infographics: 2014 ANA/Forrester Survey: Media Buying’s Evolution Challenges Marketers

Executive Summary

These Infographics are from 2014 ANA/Forrester Survey: Media Buying’s Evolution Challenges Marketers that was conducted online during February and March, 2014. This survey focused on how the rise of digital media and the increasing use of new, automated, impression by impression platforms effects media transparency, programmatic buying, and metrics.

(Please visit our "Also See" section to the right for PDFs of the Infographics, Data Charts, Key Findings, and Research Report.)


“Infographics: 2014 ANA/Forrester Survey: Media Buying’s Evolution Challenges Marketers.” ANA, 2014.

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