Agency Compensation Task Force Webinar Series | ANA

Agency Compensation Task Force Webinar Series

The current model of compensating agencies based on hours/inputs isn’t working anymore for many marketers and agencies. The labor-based model fosters behavior that the more time spent on an assignment, the more money the agency earns. And if an agency comes up with a great idea, quickly, the labor based model penalizes that. This is not in the best interests of either the client or the agency.

In 2018, ANA convened a task force with the objective to explore new methods and practices for agency compensation that are mutually beneficial for both clients and agencies.

The approach for this task force was to start with a webinar series where subject matter experts share perspective with us. We identified subject matter experts, scheduled webinars at a regular time, and recorded those to be available “on-demand” for those who miss the live discussions.

For a recap of the full webinar series, click here.

Between May 18 and November 16, 2018 there were presentations from eleven subject matter experts: