Driving Action To Fuel Change | Event Recaps | All MKC Content | ANA

Driving Action To Fuel Change

Marketers have been working in an ecosystem that has not kept pace with technology and opportunity. While the speed of change on ways that we can market have grown exponentially, we still work in many legacy systems across measurement, reporting and trading of our media investments. Recently marketers have been more active about banding together to lead this change. Rather than wait for others to create change, marketers have been more active about leading groups. In this session, Ben Jankowski, SVP Global Media at Mastercard and Co-Chair of the ANA Media Leadership Committee will discuss some of the key areas where we need to focus including the steps being taken to create change and what any marketer can do to learn and help. We will also facilitate a group roundtable discussion to gain input on these initiatives and where we should focus our efforts in the future.