How B2B companies are adapting customer engagement strategies during COVID (Marketing in the COVID-19 Age Series) | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

How B2B companies are adapting customer engagement strategies during COVID (Marketing in the COVID-19 Age Series)

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To help corporate marketers understand COVID’s impact on their buyers and industry at large, Edelman and LinkedIn surveyed nearly 400 U.S. B2B executives across a wide range of company profiles. The results were compelling: even in the face of economic uncertainty, B2B customers are still looking for opportunities to strengthen their position. To emerge from COVID stronger, there are some notable gaps between what B2B executives believe is important to do and what they are doing, presenting areas of untapped opportunity. The companies that are investing now in these spaces will gain competitive advantage that may outlast the new normal.

During this session, you will learn: 

  • How new COVID pressures have constrained B2B buyers’ decision making, but most are still looking for unexpected opportunities to strengthen their position.
  • Why COVID has generated an opportunity to gain competitive advantage in the areas where B2B executives agree action is critical but not all organizations are acting. Business marketing executives agree that understanding their buyers’ customers is critical – but only a third are making investments to do so.
  • How companies have shifted their marketing priorities to generating value today, responding to the increased pressure on marketing to tie directly to sales impact.

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Start: Monday, September 28, 2020 at 3:00pm

End: Monday, September 28, 2020 at 4:00pm