Do This, Not That! Email & Emerging Media Techniques | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

Do This, Not That! Email & Emerging Media Techniques

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This fast paced session will explore the top email marketing tactics that hold long-term value and drive results. Learn the latest dos and don'ts related to email marketing and how to implement them into your own marketing campaigns. Gain knowledge on what offers and techniques increase customers and what is driving strong direct marketing results using email and emerging media marketing initiatives. Acquire measurable tactics to pull interested leads and actionable tips on how to double open rates, customer lifetime value, and more with a few easy tweaks.

Key Takeaways:

  • The top trends in email marketing today—what actually works and what doesn't. How to avoid common pitfalls with examples based on actual campaigns
  • How to acquire measurable strategies on how to double open rates and pull interested leads
  • Insight from actual campaign results from successful and failed attempts at using the latest techniques

Ideal for Marketers:

  • Leading early stage startups all the way up to growing enterprise businesses
  • Offering B2C or B2B products or services that are looking to improve their email marketing and ROI
  • Currently using or planning to use email, social & mobile marketing, emerging media, and/or integrated marketing initiatives as part of their campaign strategies

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Start: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 1:00pm

End: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 2:00pm



Jay Schwedelson
President and CEO