Practical Strategies for Effective Mobile Marketing (Half Day) | School of Marketing | ANA

Practical Strategies for Effective Mobile Marketing (Half Day)

(Half Day Workshop)

Mobility sits at the center of people’s lives; it impacts nearly every physical, digital professional, social, personal, and commercial activity people engage in. Mobility is no longer a marketing nice to have, it is a strategic marketing imperative. Consequently; it is essential that marketers, across every industry, whether they’re in B2B or B2C sectors, learn to strategically and tactically understand and deploy mobility throughout their organization, and how to leverage mobile to not only connect, engage, influence, and serve people, but to drive commercial success for their business.

This workshop teaches the essentials of mobile marketing, what it takes to place mobile and connectivity at the heart of an organization’s marketing efforts. The workshop provides practical mobile marketing ‘how to’ tips and techniques, rather than simple theory. It equips participants with proven mobile marketing strategies and tactics so that they may successfully engage people with mobile, build a sustainable mobile presence, manage mobile enabled traditional and digital media and advertising efforts, and optimize their customer’s experiences across every stage of the journey, from awareness through loyalty.  In addition, participants will gain insight that will help them to prepare for the market trends that are re-shaping and irrevocably transforming the practice of marketing.

After completing the mobile marketing workshop, participants will better understand mobile marketing and how to immediately begin (or improve) applying mobile to their own marketing initiatives.

Who Is This Workshop For?

  • Individual marketers and corporate marketing teams that are looking to immediately begin applying mobile marketing to their business.
  • Marketers engaged in both strategy and tactical implementation that want a well-rounded foundation in all areas of marketing 

Workshop Benefits

The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and maximizing marketing ROI.

This workshop helps attendees improve marketing effectiveness by teaching them:

  • How to strategically consider the appropriate use of mobile – mobile web, mobile email and messaging, apps, creative, advertising, etc. – within their marketing mix
  • How others are using mobile successfully through real-world case studies 
  • The mobile consumer mindset and to think mobile first

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • About the mobile marketplace, the role of mobile during the customer journey, and how to create a mobile presence
  • How to immediately integrate mobile marketing into their tactical customer awareness, engagement, commerce, loyalty, and advocacy programs as well as across other key areas within their business

This workshop helps attendees maximize marketing ROI by teaching them:

  • A strategic framework that identifies the role mobile may play within their business to better connect, engage, and serve their customers.
  • Mobile marketing’s role within the marketing mix in order to engage and influence consumers and to achieve measurable business results

Download the full agenda here


  • Michael Becker

    Michael Becker is an intentionally recognized identity & personal information management, connected, digital & mobile marketing, solutions strategic advisor, speaker, entrepreneur, and academic. He advises companies on personal information economy business strategy, product development, business development, and sales & marketing strategies.
