B2B | ANA Magazine | ANA



Through best practices, case studies, interviews, and expert advice, ANA magazine's B2B department provides the strategic and tactical edge marketers need to attract, nurture, and convert today's always-on buyers.

  • LinkedIn Digs Deeper for Marketers

    B2B   August 26, 2020  

    Regardless of where B2B brands are on the social media spectrum, generating solid returns from LinkedIn requires careful planning, insight, and continued stick-to-itiveness.

  • UPS Bakes Digital Transformation Into the Brand

    B2B   August 12, 2020  

    Since coming aboard in 2018, UPS CMO Kevin Warren has been methodically rebuilding UPS’ marketing organization around what he calls “the new digital imperative.” Toppling traditional marketing tools is just one aspect of a multifaceted plan.

  • The Pandemic Is Redefining the Customer Experience

    B2B   July 29, 2020  

    In a post-COVID world, digital interactions with customers and prospects will rise dramatically, and e-commerce transactions for expensive B2B purchases — long the domain of in-person sales — will become much more common.

  • Preparing for the Next Normal

    B2B   July 15, 2020  

    The ongoing and dramatic changes in the workplace offer B2B marketers new opportunities to jump-start their digital communications, both internally and externally.

  • No More Digital Dilly-Dallying

    B2B   June 24, 2020  

    With most every brand having to recalibrate its digital capabilities, CMOs have a new opportunity to help shape their company’s future — and increase the overall value of marketing.

  • The Trade Show Must Go On

    B2B   June 17, 2020  

    The implosion of live B2B events and the accelerating shift to a virtual model will require marketers to be both fast and nimble when crafting their online conferences.

  • Why Martech Investments Fall Short

    B2B   May 27, 2020  

    B2B marketers continue to struggle with making the most of their growing marketing technology stack. A major part of the problem: Too many companies rely on individual technology purchases rather than foster an integrated approach.

  • A Delicate Balance

    B2B   May 13, 2020  

    Valerie Beaulieu, U.S. CMO at Microsoft, brings a highly balanced approach to B2B marketing to tackle the most pressing issues facing marketers.

  • Keeping Email Campaigns Healthy During the Coronavirus

    B2B   April 29, 2020  

    With most every business reassessing overall spending due to the coronavirus outbreak, it’s an opportune time for B2B companies to reassess their email marketing strategy and ensure that the audiences receiving their emails are getting immediate value.

  • Nurturing Relationships, Wielding Influence

    B2B   April 15, 2020  

    Being simpatico with vendors themselves — and not being in thrall to social media messaging or online reviews — can be highly influential in the B2B purchasing process.

  • Singing From the Same Sheet of Data

    B2B   March 25, 2020  

    With insightful customer data that can be shared with sales, B2B marketers can start to fracture the walls separating their sales and marketing organizations, enabling them finally to pursue revenue growth based on a collaborative, customer-first approach.

  • Taking the Lead on Sales Enablement Is Driving Growth

    B2B   March 4, 2020  

    Companies that let marketers steer the sales-enablement process exceed their revenue goals much more so than brands that put sales reps in charge, says a new report. And the C-suite is taking note.

  • Brand Managers Face a World of Problems

    B2B   February 19, 2020  

    The onus is on marketers to spot regional or cultural trends that may impact their business category and/or products and services — even if the company lacks a significant global presence.

  • Buyer Committees Hold the Key to ABM Success

    B2B   February 5, 2020  

    To bolster their marketing strategy to purchasing committees, B2B brands must supply a constant stream of information and continually track who’s in (and who’s not) when it comes to closing a deal.

  • B2B Brands Jumping into the Stream

    B2B   January 22, 2020  

    Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO, and Showtime provide valuable lessons for B2B marketers eager to ramp up their investments in streaming media.

  • B2B Brands Continue Steep Climb Up Content Marketing Hill

    B2B   January 8, 2020  

    Part of the problem? B2B brands are looking for a quick fix. But companies need up to a year to properly build a content marketing audience.

  • Four Things B2B Marketers Should Do to Prep for 2020

    B2B   December 23, 2019  

    The new year is fast approaching, but 2019 isn’t over just yet. In this presentation, we’ll cover some of the ways business marketers can make the most of the remaining days this year, positioning themselves to reach new levels of success in the new year.

  • How TCMA Balances Automation with a Personal Touch

    B2B   December 18, 2019  

    Considered the ‘third stage’ in sales and marketing transformation, through-channel marketing automation (TCMA) plays into the growing reliance on partner relationships throughout the B2B sector.

  • Failing to Connect the Data Dots

    B2B   December 11, 2019  

    B2B marketers are having an increasingly tough time leveraging the streams of data they collect. One result: content marketing programs suffer from a lack of direction.

  • Defining B2B Marketing Success in a Post-Digital Era

    B2B   November 27, 2019  

    Fast-emerging technologies are turning B2B marketers into data scientists — and enabling them to be more creative than ever before. Job one: striking a balance between automation and the human touch.


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