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Promotion Marketing

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Promotion Marketing Committee Meeting



I.  Women's Marketing Deep Dive (9:45AM - 10:30AM)
A mother’s smartphone is her lifeline, keeping her connected, informed and even entertained when she has a few moments to spare. Increasingly, she’s also using her phone to research and shop for the products her family needs most. We asked Glimmer, the Women's Marketing social community, for exclusive insights into how moms are buying on mobile, what digital experiences truly engage them, how social fits into shopping and what still drives them into the store.   

Jenna Manula,
 Digital Marketing Professional, Women's Marketing

II. Shopper-Centric Dynamic Solutions to Driving Sales (10:45AM - 11:30AM)
Crisp will share the latest technologies in shopper marketing solutions that put the consumer in the driver's seat.  Dynamic personalized messaging to engage the consumer for both equity and sales conversion programs leaning into the best tools + tactics for best sales lift results. They will discuss success metrics and results.

Risa Crandall, SVP Managing Director, Crisp/Quotient

III. Influencer Marketing Insights for Performance Marketing (11:45AM - 12:30PM)
Action is the name of the game with performance based influence marketing. Whether your targets are leads, subscribers, downloads or trial, influencer marketing allows you to cut through the clutter. In this sessions we will share process best practices, the latest performance data about organic reach and case studies utilizing influencer marketing to help generate new user acquisition for a monthly subscription product and tapping into a very niche audience to drive app Installs.

Paul Kontonis, Chief Marketing Officer, WHOSAY

IV. Lunch and Roundtable Discussion (12:30PM – 1:15PM)
In this session we will discuss the latest methods of promoting your brand directly to consumers unique and unexpected ways. ANA Promotion Marketing Committee members will also have an opportunity to network and discuss key issues such as Technology, Measurement and Social Engagement.

Richard Feldman, Director of Brand Activation, ANA