Industry Insights
What We Learned, Where We Go
Leading Edge December 16, 2020Nearly 300 CMOs, representing thousands of the world’s top brands and combining more than 50 percent of all global advertising and media spending, gathered to commit to a common agenda for growth and good.
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ANA 2020 Marketing Word of the Year
Leading Edge December 14, 2020“Pivot” has been selected by our members as the ANA 2020 Marketing Word of the Year.
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Looking Ahead, Strategies for Transitioning Events from Virtual to Hybrid
Leading Edge December 9, 2020We can all agree that we've experienced a little bit of adversity and heartache in the past few months, and in many ways. John Woo and Jeff Youngs of GES, an ANA Thought Leadership Partner, share some silver linings and learnings from their experiences in pivoting to virtual events.
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How to Create the Best Holiday Ads
Leading Edge December 4, 2020The holiday season is here. While 2020’s holiday season is, and will, look different from years past, that fact doesn’t lessen the need for inspirational advertisements, messaging, and narratives to connect us through themes of love, family, and giving.
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How the 2020 Presidential Election Has Affected Advertising
Leading Edge October 30, 2020Election seasons are a pivotal and challenging time for brands. Finding the right cadence, tone, and ability to engage and connect with consumers is a hard balance to achieve. It’s far easier to isolate and alienate consumers than it is to speak authentically on a universal level.
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Outdated Client-Agency Agreements Pose Risks to Advertisers
Leading Edge October 27, 2020If the contract between your organization and its advertising agency(s) has an effective date prior to January 1, 2017, you may be at risk. Not unlike fresh produce, dairy products, meat, medicine, or even beer, contract language is perishable.
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AI Can't Stand Alone for Brand Suitability: People Play a Vital Role
Leading Edge October 20, 2020Advertisers and brands are naturally frustrated when their ads are aligned with unsuitable or irrelevant content — a situation that occurs with alarming frequency. What’s frustrating to many marketers is that AI is supposed to proactively prevent these kinds of catastrophes. Why hasn’t AI fixed this problem yet?
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Deciding When to Conduct an Agency Search
Leading Edge October 16, 2020You’re thinking you need a new agency. Have you thoroughly assessed what’s gone wrong in the incumbent relationship? Weighed the cost-benefit of conducting an agency search? Identified the right agency resources in an evolving agency landscape? This playbook answers these questions and many more.
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Organizing for an Agency Search
Leading Edge October 16, 2020You’ve decided you want a new agency. Who should be on your search team? What should the timetable be? What should your initial agency screening criteria be? This playbook answers these questions and many more.
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Selecting a New Agency
Leading Edge October 16, 2020You’ve decided you want to search for a new agency. But how, exactly, do you go about the process of identifying a group of agency candidates and then selecting a winner in a way that’s both efficient, cost-effective, fruitful — and painless? This playbook will show you the way.
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Conducting an Agency Search During a Crisis
Leading Edge October 15, 2020You’ve decided your plans to conduct a search for a new agency need to move forward despite a national emergency such as a pandemic. How do you hold credentials and pitch meetings remotely? How do you evaluate the chemistry with agency search participants? This playbook answers these questions and many more.
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Amid the Uncertainty, There’s Room for Levity in Ads
Leading Edge October 13, 2020When the coronavirus began to spread in late March, most brand advertising took on a somber tone. At the time, the messages seemed to resonate with consumers. But as the crisis unfolded, people’s appetite for ads that emphasized the impact of the virus started to wane.
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How Diversity and Inclusion Campaigns Drive Brand Outcomes
Leading Edge September 15, 2020In today’s business environment and economic climate, it is important for marketers to develop strategies and create advertising campaigns that drive greater business outcomes. Brands specifically embracing diversity and inclusion are seeing increased business results across each stage of the purchase funnel, and VAB has developed the case studies to prove it.
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AI Can Make the World Better—Here’s How
Leading Edge July 2, 2020Many times when people hear the word “AI,” they think of a Terminator-esque dystopia where people are becoming disconnected from themselves, where technology is replacing human connection and personability.
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ANA In-House Agency Fact Book — Q2 2020
Leading Edge June 15, 2020The ANA In-House Agency Fact Book highlights the structure, capabilities, and operations of in-house agencies at ANA corporate member companies.
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Media Transformation and the Television Upfront
Leading Edge May 29, 2020The ANA Media Advisory Board has issued two reports — one for the C-suite and the other for Media Practitioners — to address media transformation and reform in the television upfront marketplace.
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4 Companies That Are Inclusive to People with Disabilities
Leading Edge March 18, 2020To move into the future, marketers need to make the present moment one that not only speaks to the “now and next” but is a better environment for all. If everyone is included and able to be part of the larger conversation as an equal participant, then everyone can enjoy and work to the same opportunities.
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What You Need to Know About Generation Alpha
Leading Edge March 11, 2020Members of generation Alpha (people born in 2010 until the mid-2020s as ending birth years) are used to getting information fast and easily — which can be challenging for companies to keep up. Most of this is done through AI-powered technology, such as Alexa or other voice marketing technologies.
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9 Companies Fighting for Sustainability and Climate Change
Leading Edge March 9, 2020Social responsibility is important in 2020. In a world where climate change should make sustainability top of mind, organizations need to make their products ethical and environmentally friendly.
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ANA MarTech Glossary
Leading Edge February 18, 2020The ANA Data and Technology Practice has curated a collection of marketing data and technology terminology citing publicly published definitions from industry leading data, MarTech, and AdTech companies and trade organizations.