B2B Mastery Program | School of Marketing | ANA

B2B Mastery Program

The ANA Marketing Training & Development Center’s Mastery Programs advance your marketing team’s capabilities in key disciplines by strategically addressing talent needs, sharpening existing skills, and putting new ideas to work immediately.

Our Mastery Programs are designed to be flexible and fit your schedule and budget. These programs can be delivered over two full days or as a series of independent half-day workshops.

Excel in the dynamic world of B2B Marketing. With the ANA’s B2B Marketing Mastery Program, your team will learn the skills needed to maximize lead generation, enhance customer engagement, improve conversions and loyalty, and enable your business to thrive in the competitive B2B landscape.

B2B Marketing Begins with Buyer Insights (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Deliver B2B marketing that meets customers’ expectations
  • Gain insights into the how and why of buyers’ behavior through buyer persona research.
  • Map content to the buyers’ journey.

Align B2B Marketing with Business Needs (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Align Marketing across the organization.
  • Frame a one-page marketing strategy.
  • Create a clear, consistent, compelling marketing message to differentiate your brand.

B2B Marketing Playbook: Demand Generation, Content Marketing and Subscription Marketing (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Learn to generate, effectively qualify and measure leads to successfully manage the demand generation process
  • Drive effectiveness with content marketing, tradeshows and events, demand generation and subscription marketing.
  • Define your subscription marketing readiness.

B2B Marketing Playbook: Sales Enablement, Employee Ambassadors and Account-based Marketing (ABM) (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Overcome internal barriers and equip Sales with the tools to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.
  • Leverage the employer brand to activate retention and develop employee ambassadors.
  • Account-based marketing: help sales land large deals and bring in new accounts.

B2B Marketing Playbook: Differentiate Your Brand and Deliver Consistent Customer Experiences (In Person) (Virtual)

  • Definitions, examples and best practices in B2B channel marketing
  • Develop a unique brand position that sets you apart from competitors
  • Identify ways to improve the customer experience

Download the full agenda here


  • George Stenitzer

    George Stenitzer founded Crystal Clear Communications in 2014 to create inventive answers to marketing challenges. The Content Marketing Institute named George Content Marketer of the Year and BtoB magazine twice named him a Best Marketer. George teaches Content Marketing.
