Brand Activations that Drive Results | School of Marketing | ANA

Brand Activations that Drive Results

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Brands are increasingly looking for ways to more effectively engage with our consumers beyond traditional channels to build profitable, long term brand loyalty. As a result, marketers are under ever more pressure to deliver “buzz”, sharable consumer experiences and sales through brand activations. This is no easy task given today’s distracted consumer. To succeed you need an integrated plan, agile process, and tools to get closer to your consumers and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

During this half day workshop, we will focus on some of the most essential and effective methods of bringing your brand to life and delighting your consumers. These include Promotions, Experiences, Events, Sponsorships and Cause Marketing*. You’ll learn the core principles of each discipline and best practices for implementing an activation plan in your business.

This workshop is interactive, with ample exercises that will allow you to build skills and practice new approaches for your brand. You will work with others on case studies and group exercises and each module is packed with insightful examples.

This workshop is an excerpt of the ANA full day workshop called “Brand Activations that Drive Results.” In the full day version, you will go deeper into each of the half day topics and you also learn about Relationship Marketing, Content and Influencer Marketing and Retailer Marketing.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is great for marketers at all levels who want to go beyond traditional marketing and who are looking for practical instruction on best practice brand activation.

Download the full benefits here

  • Setting the Stage (30 min)
  • Promotions Marketing (40 min)
  • Experiential and Events (45 min)
  • Break (15 min)
  • Sponsorships, Case Related and Influencer Marketing (45 min)
  • Planning and Measurement (40 min)
  • Closing (15 min)



Simon Bradley

Founder, Simon Bradley Marketing

Simon is a senior marketing leader and founder of Simon Bradley Marketing, which provides hands-on expertise and practical support to marketing organizations through project sprints, consulting and training. He has extensive client-side experience with brands like Virgin Atlantic Airways, VisitBritain, the New York Knicks, The Radio City Rockettes and Madison Square Garden. At Virgin Atlantic, Simon led the airline’s U.S. marketing across twelve markets and was responsible for building the brand, e-commerce, B2B marketing and CRM. At The Madison Square Garden Company, he was responsible for marketing strategy and consumer engagement and worked across a broad portfolio of world class brands.

Simon has been based in the U.S. for the last 14 years and has also led marketing teams across the world including the U.K., Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Brazil and Mexico. In addition to working with a broad range of clients, he is also an Adjunct Professor at New York University and leads Master’s programs in Digital Marketing and Integrated Marketing.

Born and educated in the U.K., he graduated in History from Bristol University and followed this with Tourism Management and Chartered Institute of Marketing Graduate diplomas.