Fast Forward Your Content Marketing | School of Marketing | ANA

Fast Forward Your Content Marketing

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George Stenitzer

George Stenitzer founded Crystal Clear Communications in 2014 to create inventive answers to marketing challenges. The Content Marketing Institute named George Content Marketer of the Year and BtoB magazine twice named him a Best Marketer.

A change agent, George helps clients build brands with breakthrough content. Previously, he was Tellabs’ vice president – marketing and communications. He also worked in Fortune 500 companies such as RR Donnelley and AT&T.

For the ANA, George leads Fast-Forward Your Content Marketing  workshops at four levels — Content Marketing 101, 201, 301 and 401. He served on the Advisory Board of the Business Marketing Association (BMA) and as president of the Chicago and St. Louis BMA chapters.

He blogs weekly, answering marketers' Top 100 Questions on content marketing. He tweets at @GeorgeStenitzer.