The 3 Social Media Waves of the Black Lives Matter Movement | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

The 3 Social Media Waves of the Black Lives Matter Movement

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The Black Lives Matter movement has been fueled not just by incidents of violence against Black people, but through social media, which has flooded powerful messages and disturbing videos straight to our phones. While technology has created universal awareness of #BLM, it has also distorted it as the movement takes on different meanings depending on who you follow and your personalized content feedback loop.

Brands taking a stand on this and other social issues must craft messaging that meets required understanding, authenticity, and diversity in the minds of consumers, regardless of the context in which they see it. In this webinar, Husani Oakley, Chief Technology Officer at Deutsch NY, will discuss the three waves of #BLM awareness, exploring how tech and social media have influenced our perspectives and what it means for marketers going forward.

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Start: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 3:00pm

End: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 4:00pm



Husani Oakley
Chief Technology Officer
Deutsch NY