ANA Legal & Regulatory Webinar: Rules of the Road in Engaging with Celebrities, Influencers, and Fans | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

ANA Legal & Regulatory Webinar: Rules of the Road in Engaging with Celebrities, Influencers, and Fans

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In this webinar, Jason Gordon, Partner at Reed Smith LLP and Jennifer MacDougall, Vice President, Associate General Counsel & Assistant Secretary at Jack in the Box, Inc. will present an update on current issues relating to influencer marketing. As part of their presentation, Jason and Jennifer will provide an overview of some of the most pressing legal and business concerns related to influencer marketing, insights on how brands should work with influencers to avoid compliance issues, and tips on influencer agreements. They will also touch on examples of how brands are using celebrities and influencers in their marketing materials and how to balance engagement inducing social content with legal compliance.

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Start: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 1:00pm

End: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 2:00pm



Jason Gordon
Reed Smith LLP

Jennifer MacDougall
Vice President, Associate General Counsel & Assistant Secretary
Jack in the Box, Inc.