Ad Tax Proposed in North Carolina Senate | ANA Government Relations | ANA

Ad Tax Proposed in North Carolina Senate

The leadership in the North Carolina Senate has developed a budget bill that would extend the sales tax (which is currently 4.75 percent) to advertising and several other services. The new service taxes would help pay for cuts in the personal income tax rates. There is no similar provision in the House budget bill which was passed several weeks ago.

The Senate’s budget bill is expected to pass this week. Once that happens, conferees will be appointed to work out the differences in the two bills. That will happen over the next several weeks, as the new fiscal year begins on July 1st.

We need your help to defeat this new tax on advertising. We are working closely with industry groups in the state, including the broadcasters, newspaper publishers and outdoor advertisers to oppose this tax.   

If your company has headquarters or significant operations in North Carolina, it would be very helpful if you would weigh in with the leadership in both the Senate and House to express your opposition to any tax on advertising. Contact information is available at: