Integrated Marketing More Essential Than Ever — equimedia | About the ANA | ANA

Integrated Marketing More Essential Than Ever — equimedia

Integrated marketing ''more essential than ever''

Marketers across the board are embracing integrated marketing communications (IMC), reflecting the fact that it is now "more essential than ever."

That is according to a new survey of members of the ANA (Association of National Advertisers), the results of which were published on Tuesday (May 20), revealing that IMC campaigns are employed by 74 percent of marketers for many of their brands.


Bob Liodice, president and chief executive of the ANA, commented: "Integrated marketing is more essential than ever, as power has shifted from the marketer to the consumer.

"However, marketers are still struggling with entrenched, parochial structures that inhibit these efforts from achieving their enormous promise. This third survey is extremely valuable in identifying key concerns that have changed from 2003 to 2006 to now, as well as highlighting those needs that have remained consistent."