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Industry Insights

  • Five Years of GDPR: Why Businesses Are Still Falling Short of Consent Requirements

    Industry Insights   October 24, 2023  

    To collect or process user data under the GDPR, you need a solid legal basis to do so. For most businesses, obtaining user consent is the most straightforward way to get that legal basis. However, the consent requirements of the GDPR are often misunderstood by businesses. This blog will help you understand these requirements.

  • Using Experiential Marketing to Build Customer Loyalty

    Industry Insights   October 24, 2023  

    In an era of ever-evolving consumer preferences and relentless competition, businesses find themselves in a perpetual quest for strategies that not only attract customers, but also keep them coming back for more. The traditional methods of advertising and marketing — while undeniably effective in their own right — are often fleeting in their impact, fading into the background noise of our daily lives.

  • How Consumers Really Feel About Ads in Games

    Industry Insights   October 23, 2023  

    DISQO shared insights from a survey of over 28,000 consumers concerning how often they play video games, device preferences, and receptivity to in-game advertising. The study also dispelled demographics myths about gamers and provided recommendations to marketers trying to engage this increasingly diverse cohort.

  • AI Will Restore Digital Advertising’s Soul

    Industry Insights   October 20, 2023  

    The exponential growth in AI capabilities that’s underway right now is going to fundamentally alter every industry on the planet — and, indeed, our very humanity. But as a marketer, you’re tired of hearing these grandiose statements. What you need to know, after all, is what AI means for your organization and the ad industry at large — today and in the near future.

  • 5 Dealership Marketing Strategies to Reach Online Car Shoppers

    Industry Insights   October 19, 2023  

    The ways consumers research, choose, and purchase vehicles continue to evolve and shift dramatically. Today, 95 percent of vehicle buyers use online channels as a source of information. In fact, twice as many start their research online versus visiting a dealer.

  • The 5 Best Practices in Hispanic Marketing

    Industry Insights   October 19, 2023  

    The U.S. Hispanic population continues to grow and evolve rapidly. For marketers, winning Hispanic consumers requires a deeper level of insightful and authentic storytelling so that these growth consumers are not just seen or heard but deeply understood. Learn how to better market to the Hispanic community in the U.S.

  • If You Really Want to Be Privacy Compliant, Be Accurate

    Industry Insights   October 18, 2023  

    A new wave of identity solutions won’t allow our industry to have its cookie and eat it too. Digital privacy is here to stay. Either we choose to live in denial by investing in less transparent, more wasteful versions of the past, or we fully embrace privacy by committing to data and accuracy.

  • Leveraging Video to Weather an Economic Downturn

    Industry Insights   October 17, 2023  

    Nothing in the future is ever guaranteed, but these days the future is feeling more uncertain than ever as economic headwinds make forecasting ad spend increasingly difficult. Today’s publishers are being challenged to adapt to changing consumer preferences with shrinking budgets and lofty revenue goals. Publishers can prepare now amid uncertainty for whatever comes next by supercharging their video strategies using the tips below.

  • How Publishers Should Think About the New Era of Technology

    Industry Insights   October 16, 2023  

    Digital publishers are currently grappling with significant technological disruptions that are reshaping their industry. They face two major challenges: the deprecation of third-party tracking cookies, and the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI). These disruptions will require publishers to adapt and find new strategies to maintain their visibility, revenue, and user experience.

  • 8 Ways to Drive Email Personalization

    Industry Insights   October 12, 2023  

    Email remains one of the most robust and reliable marketing channels. However, with more than 306 billion emails sent and received on a daily basis, making your emails stand out is an absolute imperative.

  • These Brands Promoted Diversity and Wellbeing

    Industry Insights   October 11, 2023  

    Effectively telling authentic stories that connect with real people means infusing diversity, inclusivity, and equality not only through the narrative and content of a marketing campaign, but through how a brand functions internally as well. A brand can’t truly promote DEIB without fostering it internally or creating initiatives or movements that help diverse communities.

  • Inclusive Media Buying Delivers Brand Safety and Growth

    Industry Insights   October 10, 2023  

    Advertisers with DEI goals have focused on diversity, but inclusivity matters at least as much. The Linguistic Society of America defines inclusivity as language that acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. That definition can be applied to all forms of content, including images, and videos.

  • What a Practical Pursuit of Ad Tech Sustainability Should Look Like

    Industry Insights   October 10, 2023  

    What does the establishment of a responsible digital advertising supply chain and ecosystem really mean? And how can we get started in a real, measurable way?

  • Digital Product Passports: Enhancing Sustainability Marketing

    Industry Insights   October 9, 2023  

    In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a key element of marketing programs, not only because it's the right thing to do, but because environmentally conscious initiatives resonate with upcoming generations of customers. According to the consultancy firm Deloitte, with 69 percent of generation Z consumers are actively trying to minimize their impact on the environment. As a result, these customers seek to align themselves with brands who espouse their values and are doing their part to create a more eco-conscious world.

  • 8 Email List Cleaning Tactics for Successful Campaigns

    Industry Insights   October 5, 2023  

    Email remains one of the most effective channels for building connections and driving conversions. However, like every powerful tool, it requires regular maintenance to remain sharp and effective. One often overlooked yet vital aspect of email marketing is the practice of email list cleaning, also known as list hygiene. It’s a common misconception that the more subscribers you have, the higher your engagement and conversion rates will be. The truth, however, is that an outdated or dirty email list can drag down your campaign’s effectiveness.

  • Marketing to Marketers Can Be a Win-Win

    Industry Insights   October 5, 2023  

    Increasingly, client-side marketers are transitioning to similar roles within media, publishing, and tech firms. Such moves are reshaping relationships and providing challenges to navigating modern marketing. The targets for these marketers are often former peers, colleagues and even friends. It can reshape how we navigate modern marketing.

  • These B2B Companies Highlighted & Empowered Women

    Industry Insights   October 4, 2023  

    Empowering women to open businesses, play sports, pursue a passion, and feel good in their bodies are not necessarily things you expect a B2B company to do. However, the latest B2 Awards showcase campaigns that undertake such important work. Below are some award-winning campaigns that are making changes for the better.

  • A New Digital Age Has Begun: Are You Ready for The Fourth Wave of Advertising?

    Industry Insights   October 3, 2023  

    I have to admit surprise at how generative AI has so quickly grabbed everyone’s attention in 2023. Clearly, AI’s growing importance in advertising is undeniable, and I look forward to how it will shape our industry in the coming months and years. At the same time, we are on the cusp of an important shift that I predict will have more immediate consequences for our business.

  • Can Ad Buyers Trust the Numbers They’re Given?

    Industry Insights   October 2, 2023  

    Ad buyers — large or small — rarely have the time to do in-depth audits on the numbers they’re given. Whether you’re spending $50,000 per year on advertising or $5 million — how many resources can you spare to ensure that your ads are running in the best places — let alone that they’re even running where you thought they would?

  • The Art of Emotion: Turning Trackable Data into Customer Connection

    Industry Insights   October 2, 2023  

    Customer data is the heart of marketing, and probably always will be. Demographics, consumer profiles, buying trends, regional preferences, and past performance are all part of this the stew (and it's invaluable to marketers). But without hard data on how customers feel about our ads and our experiences, we’re only getting half the picture.
