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Search returned: 34 document(s).

  • ANA's Knowledge Partners: These Are the Top Pieces

    Pulse   August 23, 2024  

    In a crowded industry with endless content and information to sift through, it can be challenging to discern quality content that provides relevant and factual information and helpful case studies. ANA’s Marketing Knowledge Center can help, however; the MKC provides trusted information meant to inspire concrete and actionable next steps.

  • The Secret to Fixing Customer Acquisition

    B2B   August 21, 2024  

    According to a recent study, nearly three-fourths of B2B marketers are growing their investments in customer acquisition activities in the next two years as marketers look to play a greater role in landing new customers — and keeping them. However, the investments come despite several challenges to improve prospecting, ranging from a lack of data to measuring performance.

  • The Performance Marketing Versus Branding Debate Heats Up

    Champions of Growth Podcast   May 15, 2024  

    Lou Aversano, CMO of The Cigna Group, joins host Matthew Schwartz, to discuss the performance marketing versus branded advertising debate heating up throughout B2B precincts, why there’s a growing onus on B2B firms to thread more emotional elements throughout their messaging architecture, and more.

  • Creators Move Down Funnel to Performance Marketing

    Leading Edge   May 15, 2024  

    Creator marketing has officially moved down funnel and become a true performance marketing channel. Whether they’re paid affiliate commissions, flat fees per post/video, consulting fees, or a combination of the three, today’s creators are motivated to increase their marketing partners’ sales.

  • Insights from ANA’s Study of Trust and Transparency in Media: Capturing the $22 Billion Opportunity

    Event Recaps   May 8, 2024  

    Sharon Harris, CEO and founder of The Sharon Harris Collective, shared insights from the ANA’s Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency study and provided actionable recommendations for B2B marketers to tackle the challenge of media waste.

  • Are We Entering the Era of Niche Marketing?

    Podcast Clips   March 20, 2024  

    Ryan Kutscher, founder and CEO of ad agency Launch Party, says we’re moving into the era of niche marketing. So why are so many agencies and companies resisting the trend? Kutscher says fear is the driving factor.

  • The Power of Performance Marketing in 2024

    Knowledge Partners   March 15, 2024  

    Wunderkind’s latest report digs into what performance marketing looks like in 2024 and beyond.

  • How to Succeed on the Full Funnel Journey

    Leading Edge   March 4, 2024  

    The marketing industry is transforming, as brands grapple to find the sweet spot between performance-driven tactics and long-term brand-building strategies. Historically, the industry has been divided between brands in two categories: performance brands or brand-building brands. What we are seeing now is a reconciliation of this divide. Marketers who understand the dynamics driving this shift to integrate the two will evolve and experience more powerful outcomes.

  • Marketing Leaders Share Their Perspective on Key B2B Issues

    Event Recaps   February 29, 2024  

    Marketing leaders from SAS, S&P Global, and LinkedIn came together to discuss key issues related to B2B marketing, including ways that marketers can affect change in their organization, how to determine the right brand-to-demand ratio, and the KPIs they favor most.

  • Marketing Performance Versus Business Performance: What to Prioritize?

    Leading Edge   January 16, 2024  

    The alignment of marketing strategies with overarching business objectives is becoming increasingly crucial in a business landscape more obsessed than ever with ROI. Traditionally, marketing performance has been evaluated through channel-specific metrics. However, this approach often overlooks the broader business objectives.

  • Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) Deliver Users Cost-Effectively

    Leading Edge   December 21, 2023  

    One of the biggest marketing technology events of 2023 was the bankruptcy filing of the storied Demand Side Platform (DSP), MediaMath in June. Despite the closure of MediaMath, DSPs are still delivering strong results for marketers.

  • A Guide to Marketing Attribution

    Leading Edge   November 9, 2023  

    Marketers understand today’s consumers don’t follow a linear path to purchase. They might discover your product through a Facebook ad, read reviews on a third-party website, click on a Google Ad, and finally make a purchase after receiving a promotional email.

  • It’s Not About Personalization — It’s About Being Personal

    Leading Edge   August 23, 2023  

    We have all heard the statistics that show that B2B customer experiences are lagging behind. Sixty-two percent of buyers feel that B2B advertising is too vague to be relevant to their business, while 64 percent feel that ads don’t always demonstrate a good understanding of their organization’s problems. The answer the industry is telling us is that personalization is key. B2B is the new B2C, with personalized experiences being the critical door-opener to success.

  • It's Time for B2B to Go Big on Branding

    POVs   July 28, 2023  

    Champions of Growth host Matthew Schwartz provides some valuable tips for B2B marketers to take a page out of the B2C playbook by going big on branding and achieving long-term success.

  • 6 Reasons Performance Marketing Is Recession-Proof

    Leading Edge   July 24, 2023  

    Employing internal teams to market, optimize, and drive ROI is an expensive, fixed cost for Fortune 500 brands. The same can be said about service fees for an agency partner running brand awareness advertising. In times of economic uncertainty, performance marketing is a crucial conversion funnel due to its emphasis on accountability, measurability, flexibility, and risk mitigation.

  • Inside Look at an In-House Performance Team

    Conference Session Videos   June 13, 2023  

    What does it take for an in-house agency to specialize in performance and growth marketing? In this video, hear from the head of marketing operations at the University of Phoenix on how their in-house agency is structured to deliver marketing results and lessons learned along the way.

  • CTV Isn't Ready for Performance Marketing Yet

    Leading Edge   May 23, 2023  

    I believe it’s important for marketers to test emerging channels, particularly ones delivered through such an advertising-critical device as the TV. It’s also necessary to provide the players in the CTV space with feedback while testing this channel. That’s why we’ve run multiple CTV campaigns across a range of platforms for our clients.

  • All Media Should Become Performance Media

    Leading Edge   May 17, 2023  

    The digital media landscape and its associated advertising models are being shaken to their core by the move to a cookieless landscape and increasing privacy restrictions.

  • How Brand Building and Performance Marketing Can Work Together

    Event Recaps   April 25, 2023  

    In this session, BERA dove deep into brand equity and raised the question of whether or not brand building and performance marketing can work together.

  • The Anatomy of a Performance Marketing Organization

    Leading Edge   March 9, 2023  

    It’s no surprise that CMOs have been under constant pressure in recent years to deliver more from existing budgets. Advances in martech and adtech, coupled with availability of larger datasets to analyze, have helped the entire marketing ecosystem; this also means that marketers must find new ways to push scale and efficiency, as general improvements are available to everyone as “best practices.”


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