Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | ANA Growth Agenda | ANA

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Marketers today must adapt their brand and marketplace strategies to more effectively leverage demographic changes and better champion diversity.

Because inclusion and equality have never been more important to our society or critical to business success, the ANA is here to help, through both our Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM) and the gender equality practice SeeHer, as well as multiple committees, conferences, publications, webinars, and training.

The Challenge

At the heart of any diversity discussion are inclusion and equity — a state of mind that must be continually nurtured, whether by providing unquestionably fair and equal opportunities for all, ensuring accessibility across all aspects of the organization, or employing more diverse and representative agency partners.

The ANA’s Response

We are at the forefront of research and initiatives driving more inclusivity and equity in marketing. Alongside our rich content, initiatives like the ANA’s SeeHer and AIMM are advancing the conversation. SeeHer has become the leading global movement to eliminate gender bias in marketing and media. At the same time, AIMM launched one of the boldest industry reboots ever brought to the multicultural marketplace.

Latest Content

Articles, insights, research, and more to advance your marketing and advertising.

ASK Answers

Marketing and Gender Equality

2 days ago

How can brands level up their portrayals of women to ensure gender equality?


Data Shows How Inclusivity Drives Business Growth

3 days ago

In this POV, AIMM’s Lisette Arsuaga makes a data-driven case for why investing in inclusivity can be a game changer for your brand’s bottom line.

CMO Content

Global CMO Growth Council Inclusive and Sustainable Marketing Working Team Case Studies

3 days ago

These case studies, developed by the Inclusive & Sustainable Marketing Working Team of the Global CMO Growth Council, are designed to illustrate the bottom-and-top-line impact that can be achieved by marketing that centers on sustainability and inclusivity.

Featured Events

National, regional, and online events to help you learn and grow throughout the year.


Bringing marketers together to learn from each other and debate new approaches and solutions to industry hurdles.

A benefit of ANA membership, committee meetings feature a mix of member case studies, perspective from outside experts, and benchmarking/best-practice sharing that drive thought leadership on key industry issues. Each ANA committee meets three to four times per year and can be attended in person or remotely. Depending on the committee, 10 to 30 participants may attend — big enough for diversity of opinion, yet small enough for more intimate exchanges.

See the Growth Agenda in action and learn more about how, as an industry, we're tackling the challenges ahead.

    Go Further

    Learn more about the four growth priorities and the 12 focus areas that comprise the ANA Growth Agenda.