ANA Business Marketing Members-Only Event in Milwaukee | 1-Day Conferences | ANA

ANA Business Marketing Members-Only Event in Milwaukee

This event is over.

Milwaukee Thought Leaders Conference 


SESSION #1 - Northwestern Mutaul 

Learn the story of how the Northwestern Mutual brand story was built. While Northwestern Mutual’s corporate reputation as a leading provider of financial security is well known, Northwestern Mutual’s consumer brand was barely known. This presentation will discuss the journey to build Northwestern Mutual into a distinctive brand. This presentation will also include talk about brand development including positioning, advertising and digital marketing and lead generation, sponsorships of the NCAA and Rose Bowl Game/College Football Playoff, development of brand standards, earned media, branded content and field marketing programs.

Chad Dern
Director, Brand and Advertising Strategy
Northwestern Mutual


SESSION #2 - A Human Approach to Marketing 

Expect a fast-paced and engaging discussion when the experts from BIWORLDWIDE, the leading global behavioral change/engagement company, share thinking and actionable ideas around such topics and trends as:
• Human beings, whether they be called employees, sales reps, channel partners or customers, are motivated to do something ‘different, better or more of’ when we apply the principles of Behavioral Economics. BIW will share the powerful principles of Behavioral Economics along with case studies and results.
• Your customer experience will rarely exceed that of your employees. Smart companies today pay attention to both sides of the coin when it comes to their brand. This means prioritizing brand experience for their customers and their employees. BIW will share our unique POV and solutions that link employee and customer experiences to optimize performance and drive business results.
• Are you familiar with ‘fast -brain’ thinking? Fact is, people will tune out your marketing, communications and strategic messaging if you lead with the rational. BIW will share how to most effectively engage and drive behavioral change by first triggering emotion before getting to the rational.

Matt Givand
VP, Group Creative Division, Communications
BI Worldwide

Walt Ruckes
VP, Sales & Channel Performance
BI Worldwide


Reception Post-Event

Please join us after our program for an hour of networking and connecting with your peers.