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Partner Content


From our partners in the ANA Thought Leadership Program: Insights and intelligence that drive brands forward.

  • Launching Video Campaigns That Can Measure Up

    Partner Content   November 21, 2019  

    The OTT product is essentially defined by the content available, and new OTT services are using popular historical content and trending content creators to build their viewership. It’s creating opportunities — and obstacles — for brands. Marketers looking to get the most from their video advertising campaigns need to make sure they have the right set of metrics in place.

  • How Marketers Can Reach Their CX North Star

    Partner Content   November 19, 2019  

    The enterprise experience takes a holistic view of the organization and the many different people — both internally and externally — whose own experiences shape the customer experience.

  • Transparency and Trust

    Partner Content   November 14, 2019  

    What can organizations do to prepare for an increasingly transparent future? The first step is to assess their current level of transparency to identify potential risks and opportunities. In that process it can be helpful to look at three aspects of transparency having to do with products and services, culture, and the supply chain.

  • The Google ID Is Gone, Now What?

    Partner Content   November 12, 2019  

    Without the Google ID, marketers need to find new ways to build datasets to drive personalized marketing campaigns across multiple devices. Here are three obstacles and the priorities marketers must face in dealing with the massive shift the ID’s absence leaves behind.

  • Identity Resolution Is a Remedy for an Increasingly Complex Marketing Stack

    Partner Content   November 7, 2019  

    Identity resolution is the universal translator that helps brands identify customers across media channels and electronic devices.

  • How B2B Audiences Sniff Out the BS in Your Brand Stories

    Partner Content   November 5, 2019  

    With hectic schedules and a multitude of distractions competing for their interest, customers have never been so short on time or attention. To make a B2B audience take notice, business marketers should deliver brand stories in honest, compelling ways, with a balance of rational and emotional appeals.

  • How AI Can Shape the Future of Direct Mail Marketing

    Partner Content   October 31, 2019  

    By leveraging artificial intelligence for direct mail, marketers can create highly relevant, engaging messaging that speaks to specific consumer interests and behavior, keeps their brands top-of-mind, increases overall engagement, and, ultimately, boosts the bottom line. Here’s how.

  • Using Agency Optimization to Support Brand Goals

    Partner Content   October 29, 2019  

    Even though different stakeholders approach the advertiser-agency relationship from their own angle, the one shared priority is to meet and exceed the brand’s goals. Here are four key ways brands can use an agency optimization program to align stakeholder thinking and get the most value out of their agency relationships.

  • The Next 25 Years of Digital Advertising

    Partner Content   October 24, 2019  

    The advertising industry is now coming together to move the system forward to support all players, address privacy issues, and fuel a renaissance in creativity.

  • Understanding Connected TV

    Partner Content   October 22, 2019  

    Marketers are looking for ways to take advantage of this expanding new medium to drive results and deliver important KPIs in ways that traditional linear television cannot.

  • Buying Into TV’s Future

    Partner Content   October 17, 2019  

    New online platforms are boosting marketers’ ability to deliver relevant TV ads that drive both short- and long-term business outcomes.

  • Trust and Transparency in Media and Marketing

    Partner Content   October 15, 2019  

    In the three years since the ANA’s landmark report on media transparency, progress has been made but issues of opaque practices still plague the industry. As the methods for media buying evolve, marketers must maintain their vigilance.

  • Eight Imperatives for Marketing-Led Growth

    Partner Content   October 10, 2019  

    The good news: Marketers have a huge opportunity to have a significant impact on growth. The bad news: The stakes are far greater than anything conventional marketing can answer.

  • New Designs for Engaging Consumers

    Partner Content   October 8, 2019  

    Conversational marketing enables a one-to-one dialogue between individuals and brands that helps to inform, capture, qualify, and better connect with consumers.

  • Taping TV’s Fractured Viewership Back Together

    Partner Content   October 3, 2019  

    For years, only digital media had the ability to get so granular as to accurately measure return on advertising spend (ROAS). Thanks to advanced data science and machine learning, it is now a reality for TV as well. And while moving a TV measurement program to a more advanced level may seem daunting, there are ways for marketers to start small and scale their efforts as they go.

  • Building Blocks for a Modern Brand

    Partner Content   October 1, 2019  

    To resonate with today’s consumers, companies need to build a new hierarchy of brand needs. Reliability is mere table stakes.

  • Just for You, Four Stages of Hyper-Personalization

    Partner Content   September 26, 2019  

    Hyper-personalization doesn’t just personalize basic parts of the customer experience, such as the initial flurry of emails to create a lead. It reimagines entire stages of the customer journey at the points of interaction most valuable to the company, leveraging data from every interaction with an individual to create a holistic view of their needs. Here are the four stages marketers need to achieve to get there.

  • Demystifying Artificial Intelligence for Advertising and Marketing

    Partner Content   September 24, 2019  

    When it comes to AI, marketers must separate fact from fiction to better understand the role and value of the technology.

  • Handicapping the Race for Political Advertising in 2020

    Partner Content   September 19, 2019  

    Although there are significant differences in campaign spending, more than half of campaign budgets target paid media — and that share is expected to grow in 2020.

  • Dialing Up Creative Strategies for Radio Ads

    Partner Content   September 12, 2019  

    Akin to brand identity, every radio commercial (or campaign) has its own unique idea, personality, tone, and voice.


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