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Partner Content


From our partners in the ANA Thought Leadership Program: Insights and intelligence that drive brands forward.

  • Managing Creative Assets In a Complex Time

    Partner Content   April 28, 2020  

    Brands are creating more stories for more screens and devices than ever before. These assets also carry strict rights for usage and talent payments, and marketers and their agencies must be ready to make changes quickly to react to a mercurial business landscape.

  • Why You Need to (Re)Assess Your Team

    Partner Content   April 9, 2020  

    By and large, advertising professionals at all levels are especially interested in professional development and often want to make upward and lateral career moves. And they’re looking to their companies to provide them with the opportunity to do that. Moreover, in a rapidly changing field, marketers need ongoing skill development to keep apace. Are marketing organizations doing enough to keep their teams competitive?

  • How to Build an Attribution Model for TV in 2020

    Partner Content   April 7, 2020  

    Attributing the results of linear TV advertising is different than digital advertising, but it’s very possible to measure the impact TV campaigns have on consumer behavior and what can be done to improve a campaign’s effectiveness. Here is a comprehensive guide for how to create one’s very own TV attribution model.

  • Tuning Up the Customer Experience

    Partner Content   March 31, 2020  

    Radio brands continue to embrace and harness technology, AI-based solutions, and new media platforms to broaden the value they provide to consumers and advertisers. Engagement has seldom been stronger.

  • New Urgency for Defining the Enterprise Brand

    Partner Content   March 24, 2020  

    To define the identity behind brands, include emotional and rational considerations, map against customer needs, and express in both words and design. Marketing and PR executives have an opportunity to lead the effort, but only if they unify on a common front.

  • Moving Public Relations Forward Through a New Level of Measurement

    Partner Content   March 3, 2020  

    Public relations metrics need to focus less on what’s been done and more on what’s been accomplished. A data-driven approach to PR can make a difference for brands.

  • Why Media Measurement Must Change

    Partner Content   February 25, 2020  

    CMOs need a robust and modern approach to marketing measurement, independent of any of the commercial interests in the ecosystem. To achieve meaningful progress, there are four critical dimensions to measurement that marketers must now master: commerciality, quality, frameworks, and testing. While the industry is making progress in building a universal solution, here’s what marketers can do now.

  • Creative Is Data Too

    Partner Content   February 20, 2020  

    Each piece of ad creative holds a wealth of metadata. This data can help marketers at each stage of the creative workflow — if they have a centralized way to organize, manage, and maintain control of their assets. Here’s a look at the layers of data available within a marketer’s ad assets, and how that data can help drive more effective marketing and better ROI while ensuring precise compliance with talent and rights.

  • Mastering the Balancing Act Between BX and CX

    Partner Content   February 18, 2020  

    Brand experience has long been the bedrock of brand-building, and still plays a crucial role in winning consumer affinity. But it’s the rise of the CX era, and its tight focus on every consumer touchpoint, that will future-proof modern brands for the next decade. Smart brands will strike a balance between brand experience and customer experience. Here’s how to get started.

  • How Traditional CPG Companies Adopt a Challenger Brand Mindset

    Partner Content   February 4, 2020  

    With direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands nipping at their heels, traditional CPG companies are scrambling to implement marketing initiatives so they can be more like challenger brands.

  • Driving Change at IHG

    Partner Content   January 28, 2020  

    Coleman Raymond, manager of agency strategy at InterContinental Hotels Group, is part of a team that is responsible for facilitating relationships with all of the hotelier’s marketing agencies. That includes how the agency model is structured, who is on the roster, how they are paid, how their performance is evaluated, and managing the overall health of the IHG-agency relationship.

  • The Attraction of Cultural Magnetism

    Partner Content   January 16, 2020  

    Being relevant only gets a brand into the consideration set and means competing on price with competitors. But brands with a cultural magnetism create their own gravity beyond the functional dynamics of their category, resulting in a far deeper customer advocacy. Here’s how brands like New Balance, Delta Air Lines, Michelob ULTRA, and Wendy’s use brand magnetism to build lasting connections with their customers.

  • Solving Content Marketing Challenges by Putting Customers Front and Center

    Partner Content   January 14, 2020  

    With brands looking to achieve higher degrees of personalization while running multiple personalized campaigns in multiple markets, they won’t be able to keep up with the volume unless they have the right approach to content production.

  • Teen Girls: Emerging into Their Own Today to Blaze the Future Tomorrow

    Partner Content   December 19, 2019  

    Brands can be a proponent of self-worth and confidence by partnering with influencers who encourage teen girls to lean into their power.

  • Successful Multichannel Campaigns Start with Good Timing

    Partner Content   December 17, 2019  

    To build a stronger campaign, marketers should consider how to make valuable offline connections with customers by incorporating direct mail into their broader multichannel efforts. Weaving together digital and physical channels can help to successfully grab user attention and deliver a more robust and effective ROI.

  • New Impressions for Local TV Are Key to Succeeding in a Multiplatform Universe

    Partner Content   December 10, 2019  

    With an impressions-based ad model, marketers will be able to more easily include local broadcast TV in cross-platform campaign planning — and more quickly assess performance.

  • Why Marketers Are Struggling with Asset Management

    Partner Content   December 5, 2019  

    Using old, brute-force ways to meet new demands has reached a breaking point. Traditional digital asset management systems simply weren’t built for brand TV and video campaign asset workflow, and new research is showing why they can’t go the distance.

  • Local Radio Strategy Works Wonders for Brand Lift

    Partner Content   December 3, 2019  

    Understanding local cultural nuances makes a huge difference in establishing long-term relationships with those consumers.

  • The Future of Retargeted Marketing Is Direct Mail

    Partner Content   November 28, 2019  

    Digital technology has made a profound impact on marketing. Using retargeting ad technology, businesses can easily and effectively reach the right consumers at the right time with the right messaging.

  • It’s a Two-Way Street

    Partner Content   November 26, 2019  

    To have transformative value in a brand-agency partnership, the client-agency evaluation process must have true buy-in from both sides. So say industry experts from WPP, Omnicom, Interpublic Group, and Havas Health, among others. It’s more than a critique; it’s a two-way conversation that can lead to major benefits for both sides. Here’s what experts had to say.


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