Measuring the Impact of TV Ad Receptivity | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

Measuring the Impact of TV Ad Receptivity

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This webinar will present insights from a new research study that reveal how the relationship between the emotional profiles of programs and ads impact ad receptivity.  This unique thought leadership study is intended to inform the broader discussion about the effect of the emotional context in which ads are experienced. Key learnings and takeaways for marketers include:

  • What is the importance of match show-ad emotional tonality - and how much does program favorability influence results?
  • Do some emotions matter more than others?  How different emotional dimensions impact measures of Ad Receptivity in different ways
  • What are the implications for media planning, buying and sales?

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Start: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 1:00pm

End: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 2:00pm



Mariel Estrada
Senior Director, Strategic Insights
A+E Networks

Mike Bloxham
VP National TV & Video
Frank N. Magid Associates