Marketing Knowledge Center | ANA

Marketing Knowledge Center

Industry-best content to drive business decisions.

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Editor Highlights: YouTube Effectiveness, Media Transparency, and Innovation

13 hours ago

Do you feel like it’s a challenge to keep up with the latest trends, best practices, and marketing strategies? You aren’t alone. Bimonthly, ANA’s Pulse will highlight content within ANA’s resources hub, from Industry Insights, Knowledge Partner contributions, ANA Magazine, case studies, Marketing 101, Tools and Playbooks, and more. This way, the hard work of finding actionable insights, marketing trends, and helpful guides is done for you.

Research Reports

Sustainability in Media Planning: How Brands Can Start Reducing Carbon Emissions in Advertising

13 hours ago

The ANA's Media & Measurement Leadership Council, an activist group of brand advertiser's chief media and research officers, and Scope3 share practical studies and examples of how and where marketers can make sustainable advertising a reality through their influence in the ecosystem.

Leading Edge

Your Agency Is Built on Your Actions, Not Your Appearance

by Rachel Brandt, 13 hours ago

We recently took a giant leap into the unknown, leaving stable jobs to nurture the seed of an idea. We wanted to create a new kind of creative shop, one that was female-founded (only one percent of agencies are!), designed to meet the needs of a new digital reality (faster speed, higher volume, lower budgets), and rooted in the ethos of radical hospitality.

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Ask the Expert Answers

Compendiums based on ANA Member research requests.

Case Studies

Results of award-winning marketing campaigns.

CMO Content

Insights driven by ANA’s CMO Growth Council.

Event Recaps

Summaries of presentations at ANA events.

Industry Insights

Blog posts written by ANA staff and outside contributors.

Knowledge Partners

Third-party content submitted by agencies and brands.

Money Slides

The best slides from presentations at ANA events.

Playbooks & Tools

How-to resources, including templates, guides, tips, and more.

Research Studies

Proprietary current practices and attitudes of marketers.

Training Takeaways

Career-critical insights drawn from expert-led trainings.


ANA's library of replays, highlights, and original video content.

ASK Answers

Compendiums based on ANA member research requests.

Color Marketing

1 week ago

How do brands use color effectively in their products and campaigns?

Loyalty Marketing

1 week ago

How can I encourage loyalty within my customer base?

Case Studies

Results of ANA Award-winning marketing campaigns.

USAA Leverages the Army-Navy Game to Attract Customers

2 months ago

The Army-Navy Game presented by USAA offered the organization an excellent opportunity to reflect its brand values and showcase its products and services to a large cross-section of members and prospects. USAA leveraged sponsorship rights and tactics to develop a campaign aligning with fan passion-points while supporting marketing objectives.

National Grid Promotes Energy Efficiency

2 months ago

National Grid undertook a multi-year campaign to encourage its customers to pursue greater energy efficiency.

SAP Riffs on the Day’s News with AI-Generated Images

2 months ago

SAP leveraged AI image-generation to accelerate the creative cycle, allowing it to pitch its technology to mid-size companies.

CMO Content

Insights driven by the ANA's Global CMO Growth Council.

The ANA Global CMO Growth Council Position on Generative AI — September 24

1 month ago

The CMOs of the ANA Global CMO Growth Council community have steered the development of a common set of principles and guidance to help ensure that AI-based initiatives create value without harmful unintended consequences. The initial draft is available now for review and comment.

Global CMO Growth Council Leadership Assembly at Cannes LIONS 2024: Topline Recap and Key Takeaways

1 month ago

For the seventh consecutive year, the Global CMO Growth Council convened its leadership community at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. This pivotal forum brought together CMOs from top brands around the world to share progress and prioritize leadership initiatives for the remainder of 2024.

Executive Forum: Achieving Gold Standards in Brand-Building and Creative Effectiveness

1 month ago

This forum, conducted during the Global CMO Growth Council Leadership Assembly in Cannes, 2024, was dedicated to delegates connecting, learning, sharing, and challenging each other to raise our collective creative game.

Industry Insights

Blog posts written by ANA staff and outside contributors.

Event Recaps

Summaries of presentations at ANA conferences and committee meetings.

Afternoon Keynote: How Victoria's Secret Embraced AI and Got Results

1 day ago

Are you ready to take your email program to the next level, but don't know where to begin? In this session, learn how Victoria’s Secret embraced AI technology and rebuilt their email marketing operating model from the ground up.

ANA/EEC Awards — Nominations and Winners

1 day ago

In this session, learn about the nominees and winners of the 2024 ANA/EEC awards.

Creative and Design Innovations — AI-Powered Email Creative: A Game Changer

1 day ago

AI-enabled creative tools are transforming digital marketing at an unprecedented pace. In this session, Denada Creative Director Matt Caldwell provided an insightful overview of AI's impact on email marketing creative.

Knowledge Partners

Third-party content submitted by agencies and brands.

Loyalty Unlocked: LGBTQ+ Streaming Audience Insights, Powered by Nielsen

1 day ago

According to a 2024 ANA survey, only 34 percent of marketers are currently leveraging LGBTQ+-owned or targeted media to activate this lucrative audience base, despite these platforms often outperforming their mainstream counterparts in audience engagement, brand loyalty, and authentic connection.

Can Single-Source Data Solve Advertisers’ Cross-Media Measurement Headaches?

6 days ago

With numerous media channels vying for brands’ investment, advertisers need to measure not only how each channel performs but also how they interact to deliver outcomes. Understanding the unique reach of each channel ensures they’re not just hitting the same audience multiple times.

YouTube Creative Effectiveness: Three Golden Rules That Could Double ROI

6 days ago

Ekimetrics shared insights on a study it conducted, alongside Google, to reveal the impact of ad creative quality on YouTube video performance.

Money Slides

The best standalone PowerPoint slides from presentations at ANA events.

Comparing Project Management Tools

1 week ago

Grant Thornton breaks down the capabilities of the project management tools Wrike, Asana, Mavenlink, and ADO (Azure DevOps) as they apply to marketing operations.

The Attention Garnered by Each Media Channel, by the Numbers

1 week ago

National CineMedia (NCM) shares research that calculates the number of seconds during which viewers watch advertising on different media channels, including cinema, live sports, YouTube, Roku, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and mobile, among others.

Quantifying the Reach of Each Marketing Channel

3 weeks ago

TVB, a trade association representing America’s local broadcast television industry, shares data that gauges the reach of a wide array of different marketing channels, from broadcast TV, to email, to social media, to newspapers, and beyond.

Playbooks & Tools

How-to resources, including templates, guides, tips, and more.

ABM Account Plan Canvas 2025

6 days ago

Use our ABM Key Account Plan Canvas to create a simple, one-page action plan for each of your target accounts.

Advertising Calendar and Budget Template 2025

6 days ago

Use this to organize your advertising campaigns. Track media types, due dates, and budget info.

Agile Content Marketing Calendar 2025

6 days ago

Use this calendar template to keep track of your content marketing efforts through an agile approach.

Blog Post Syndication Calendar 2025

6 days ago

A report to track editorial calendar opportunities and their associated deadlines.

Research Studies

Proprietary current practices and attitudes of marketers.

Sustainability in Media Planning: How Brands Can Start Reducing Carbon Emissions in Advertising

13 hours ago

The ANA's Media & Measurement Leadership Council, an activist group of brand advertiser's chief media and research officers, and Scope3 share practical studies and examples of how and where marketers can make sustainable advertising a reality through their influence in the ecosystem.

Data Visualization Playbook: A Picture Is Worth Infinite Words

1 month ago

ANA's Data Excellence and Privacy Practice's Data Visualization Playbook aims to equip marketers and practitioners with practical techniques and best practices to harness the full potential of data visualization.

Retail Media Networks: Optimism Tempered with Caution

2 months ago

While retail media networks (RMNs) have been around for well over a decade, they have really come into their own over the past few years. This ANA report concludes that, “Retail media networks have a measurement issue...and therefore better measurement of RMNs is clearly required.”

Training Takeaways

Get smarter at a glance with career-critical insights drawn from expert-led trainings.

Eight Tips for Aligning MarTech with Strategy

1 month ago

Integrating marketing technology (MarTech) with marketing strategies is the deliberate alignment of your technology resources with your marketing objectives and the specific actions planned to accomplish those objectives. To achieve this integration, consider eight tips, drawn from the ANA’s on-demand training course, “Introduction to MarTech.”

Four Tips for Discovering and Distilling the Insights Necessary for a MarTech Assessment

1 month ago

Learn how to uncover your organization’s MarTech needs and challenges while aligning with key stakeholders.

Four Tips for an Effective MarTech Business Case

1 month ago

Learn the four key communication objectives, which, if followed, will give your MarTech business case clarity and earn it a receptive audience.


A library of ANA on-demand conference sessions and highlights, webinars, podcasts, and original video content.

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With a focus on exploring innovative topics and demystifying emerging trends, ANA Marketing Futures is a crossroads for marketers to discuss, debate, and prepare for the future of marketing.

ANA Magazine

Find coverage specific to B2B, B2C, and social impact; get expert insights from content partners; and have fun with our weekly marketing news quiz.


Listen to insightful commentary and discussions concerning the future of marketing, the power of purpose, or legal aspects across the marketing stratosphere.

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