Deepening Customer Engagement | CMO Events | Events | ANA

Deepening Customer Engagement

This event is over.

<< NOTE: This event is private, and only open to a limited number of select CMOs. >>


Deepening trust and augmenting personalization responsibly, while navigating cookie deprecation, and mitigating risks are core to building improved customer engagements that drive growth. CMOs and marketing leaders need to articulate very clearly the value proposition for personalization.

Join the ANA Global CMO Growth Council Data, Technology and Measurement Working Team and the Customer Engagement Taskforce to discuss how marketing can drive growth by deepening customer engagement in the age of AI. We will be focusing on three key areas:

  1. How to create a consistent value stream.
  2. What are the enablers to unlock.
  3. How to navigate challenges or potential risks.

To help you build strategies around this in 2024, we have arranged for experts Carlos Ricardo from HP, Eric Schwartz from Clorox, and Tad Roselund from Boston Consulting Group, amongst others to share their experiences on customer engagement and responsible AI with you in a private executive forum.

We look forward to having you share the insights that have helped your brand to grow, or to advance customer engagement and personalization within your strategy.




Thursday, December 14, 2023
- 2:30pm


Deepening Customner Engagement in a Cookie-less Future and in the Age of GenAI

Carlos Ricardo
SVP Marketing Services & Creative Production HP, Inc.
Eric Schwartz
Chief Marketing Officer The Clorox Company
Tad Roselund
Managing Director & Senior Partner The Boston Consulting Group