Unlocking the Value of Media Automation | Industry Insights | All MKC Content | ANA

Unlocking the Value of Media Automation


In the modern media enterprise, automation has become an essential tool in the pitch-to-execution process. With fracturing audiences and structural changes looming in the digital ad market, media companies are learning how to do more with less while diversifying their core advertising offerings into higher performing omnichannel campaigns.

Media companies, understandably, are looking for greater efficiency while increasing quality and performance. A key consideration is how they can leverage technology in their media planning, sales proposals, operations, and reporting. For companies that want to realize the benefits of media automation, what questions should they be asking as they ponder their options? And what are some high-value, high-impact areas they should focus on?

Assessing the Benefits of Automation

The benefits of media automation can be a game-changer for companies looking to create streamlined, high-performance operations. For those media companies that want to explore how greater automation might help them succeed, here's what they should consider:

  • Empowering Staff: Automation can democratize media planning and operations. It allows employees, even those with limited technical experience, to create bespoke media plans and turn them into high-performing campaigns. This empowerment not only enhances efficiency but also broadens the scope of employee contributions to the company's success.

  • Error Reduction: Automation significantly reduces the risk of errors that are common when copying/pasting data between multiple platforms. By consolidating data on a single platform, companies can streamline media operations while ensuring accuracy and consistency.

  • Better Targeting and Optimization: Media operations staff have historically had to choose parameters based on intuition, experience and, frankly, limited data. With machine-assisted optimization, media operations teams can guide AI-powered systems to achieve greater performance and ROI.

  • Retention: Automated reporting is not just a tool for analysis; it's a vehicle for client retention. With advanced reporting capabilities, media companies can engage in more meaningful conversations with advertisers, offering insights and value that go beyond mere impressions and clicks. This approach fosters long-term relationships with clients, emphasizing the importance of retention alongside sales.

  • Data-Driven Targeting: Data is a critical component for augmenting standard audience targeting methodologies. Given the sheer amount of data that can be collected, the focus should be on first defining the objectives and key questions to be addressed rather than boiling the ocean looking for insights. The ideal automation platform should not just be a repository for data but a comprehensive solution offering historical performance insights as a core feature. This means that a media company need not be burdened by the task of amassing data beforehand. Instead, they should seek platforms that provide rich, built-in data analytics, offering a more nuanced understanding of performance drivers.

Key Questions for Media Companies

As media companies contemplate integrating more tech into their operations, they should ask themselves the following questions:

    • Data Integration?: It's crucial to understand how the automation platform integrates and utilizes existing data. Does it offer historical insights, and how does it enhance data-driven decision-making?

    • User Accessibility and Training: How accessible is the platform for all employees, regardless of their technical expertise? What training and support does the platform provide to ensure all team members can leverage its capabilities?

    • Reporting Capabilities and Insights: Does the platform offer advanced reporting tools? How can these tools be used to improve client retention and build stronger relationships with advertisers?

    • Scalability and Future-Proofing: Is the platform scalable and adaptable to future market changes and technological advancements? How will it accommodate the growing needs of the company?
    • Cost versus Benefit Analysis: Finally, what is the cost of implementing such a platform against the tangible benefits it offers? This analysis should consider not just immediate returns but long-term gains in efficiency, client satisfaction, and revenue growth.

For media companies in today's shifting landscape, automation is not just about keeping up with technological advancements; it's about redefining how they operate and engage with their clients. By asking the right questions and choosing the right technology, these companies can unlock new levels of efficiency, accuracy, and client engagement, ensuring their resilience and success in a dynamic digital industry.

The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the ANA or imply endorsement from the ANA.

David Tsai is head of client success at Frequence.
