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Industry Insights

  • All Media Should Become Performance Media

    Leading Edge   May 17, 2023  

    The digital media landscape and its associated advertising models are being shaken to their core by the move to a cookieless landscape and increasing privacy restrictions.

  • The Top 5 Can’t-Miss Sessions at the 2023 In-House Agency Conference

    Pulse   May 17, 2023  

    In four weeks, from June 12 to 14, in-house agency leaders will meet in Orlando, Florida for the annual In-House Agency Conference. Industry leaders will take the stage to discuss a wide spectrum of in-house capabilities, emblematic of the growing and evolving skill sets being developed inside many of today’s most successful marketing teams.

  • What Could a Customer Data Platform (CDP) Do for Your Brand?

    Leading Edge   May 17, 2023  

    Customer data has a near-infinite number of uses in today’s organizations. As a result, so does a Customer Data Platform (CDP). This excerpt from ANA’s CDP Playbook enumerates the various ways marketers can leverage CDPs and shares a use case from BARK and Simon Media.

  • Addressing the Fragmentation of TV Advertising

    Leading Edge   May 16, 2023  

    Valued at approximately $87 billion in the U.S., TV has evolved considerably in recent years. Traditional linear still holds a major (yet dwindling) piece of the TV advertising pie, but, as we all know, streaming and connected TV (CTV) have quickly gained ground.

  • Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month with These Campaigns

    Pulse   May 16, 2023  

    May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a period that celebrates the strengths and achievements of the AAPI community and that strives to advance the causes most important to its members. In keeping with this important theme of the month, consider the following case studies from the ANA’s portfolio of award programs.

  • Gen Z Contradictions That Will Shape Our Future

    Leading Edge   May 16, 2023  

    It is human nature to live in contradiction. It’s part of what has always drawn us to the strategy and insights field. It’s my secret joy to zoom in on these paradoxes – to really hear and understand where the tension lies and what it might mean for someone’s behaviors and perceptions of the world around them.

  • AI Marketing: Q&A with R/GA’s Michael Olaye

    Pulse   May 15, 2023  

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making a solid case for the marketing term of the year. AI has captured the attention of marketers worldwide for its potential to create efficiencies, build meaningful connections with consumers at scale, and introduce capabilities previously thought unattainable.

  • Listen Up: Keep It Authentic by Extending Brand Suitability Measures to Music

    Leading Edge   May 15, 2023  

    With consumer sentiment shifting from mindless consumerism to mindful consumption, brand authenticity is everything. A recent study from Asendia found that 59 percent of consumers shop exclusively for retail brands that they view as “authentic,” meaning that the brand is “faithful to itself, its customers, and to the wider world.”

  • How MarTech Is Revolutionizing Franchise Businesses’ Localized Marketing

    Leading Edge   May 11, 2023  

    In today’s digital age, consumers are more connected than ever before. They have access to a wealth of information at their fingertips and can easily compare prices and products from different businesses in a matter of seconds. This makes it far more challenging for franchise businesses to stand out from the competition.

  • Why FAST Is an Indispensable Pillar in Your Brand’s Investment Portfolio

    Leading Edge   May 11, 2023  

    As we move headlong through this year’s TV upfront/newfront season, the TV and video ecosystem seems on the cusp of major change.

  • It’s Time to Debunk the Affiliate Marketing Misconceptions

    Leading Edge   May 10, 2023  

    The popularity of this marketing format is on the rise again. In fact, recent data suggests that as many as 88 percent of consumers have been inspired to buy a product based upon an influencer recommendation. However, many marketers face trepidation when considering if adopting affiliate marketing is right for their brand.

  • TV with a Twist: How a Digital Retail Brand Delivered Premium Scale

    Leading Edge   May 10, 2023  

    Digital-first is a method many smaller companies use for their advertising strategy. For advertisers who have never considered television as part of their marketing plan, they’re likely overlooking new capabilities that will allow them to extend their campaign’s reach with TV and the targetability and analytical benefits of what they’re used to with digital.

  • 4 Inspiring Quotes on Brand Growth

    Pulse   May 9, 2023  

    ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.

  • Tapping into the Liquid Talent Revolution to Drive Hypergrowth

    Leading Edge   May 9, 2023  

    2023 rolled in with a bang. FUD-heavy headlines are repeatedly underscoring “big tech layoffs at scale” and “market uncertainty” while prompting dramatic questions like, “Will AI replace people?” And while those concerns still loom large, there’s no denying that the workplace structure and the skills needed to succeed have shifted in short order.

  • Transformations Changing the Game for Sports Fans & Brands

    Leading Edge   May 8, 2023  

    Like most industries, the pandemic accelerated unforeseen consumer trends in sports that have opened up a realm of new opportunities for leagues, teams and athletes. Legal and regulatory advances have placed sports in an optimal, yet disruptive position that will impact consumers, media companies, and other brands who participate in the business of sports.

  • 'What They Said' at the 2023 ANA Brand Masters Conference

    Leading Edge   May 4, 2023  

    ANA just concluded our 2023 Brand Masters Conference, presented by Walmart Connect. The following provides great quotes and insights from some of the conference speakers (in order of appearance).

  • 4 Ways to Optimize Return on Ad Spends (ROAS) in Uncertain Economic Times

    Leading Edge   May 4, 2023  

    With federal interest rate hikes coming in hot and inflation top-of-mind, the digital advertising industry is on edge, trying to plan effectively for upcoming quarters. Pile on the continued economic uncertainty, layoffs, and tech takeovers; understandably, budgets are tightening while the pressure to perform intensifies.

  • Content Shines in a Cookieless World

    Leading Edge   May 3, 2023  

    According to Bombora Company Surge, during the last 90 days there have been over 17,000 spikes in research about content across business services companies. Content falls in the middle of the pack above demand generation in marketing interests, showing where B2B marketers’ priorities lie.

  • The Capabilities of Video & CTV Buying Need to Catch Up With Advertiser Demands

    Leading Edge   May 2, 2023  

    Even though CTV is eclipsing linear TV in terms of viewer growth and data capabilities and flexibility, the ad buying mechanisms have not advanced at the same pace. Even in the streaming-centered year of 2023, non-programmatic insertion orders still account for a majority of CTV transactions.

  • Celebrating National Pet Month with These 5 Campaigns

    Pulse   May 1, 2023  

    The English philosopher Bernard Williams is said to have remarked that “there is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” The observation pithily captures how much pets contribute to our flourishing as humans.
