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Industry Insights

  • Resources for Navigating an Increasingly Complex Data Privacy Landscape

    Pulse   May 22, 2024  

    Since the European Union passed the General Data Protection Regulation in 2018 — better known as GDPR — the issue of data privacy has seen heightened focus. The adoption of that law was a watershed moment. Since then, governments all over the world have followed suit, passing their own variations of the bill.

  • Why Residential Proxies Are Primed to Wreak Havoc in the Streaming Industry

    Leading Edge   May 22, 2024  

    The explosive growth of streaming services has transformed media consumption, granting unprecedented access to a world of content. Yet, beneath this digital revolution's surface, a challenge looms large, one that threatens the very sustainability of the streaming industry: the dramatic rise in the use of residential proxies and VPNs.

  • 15 Guidelines for the Use of Principal Media

    Pulse   May 21, 2024  

    Principal media is on the rise. Changes in agency compensation models from marketers as well as pressure from marketers to extend payment terms and "drive media costs down" have led agencies and holding companies to accelerate the use of principal media. Increasingly, advertising agencies are now acting as principals rather than agents.

  • Benefits and Challenges of SEM and SEO

    Leading Edge   May 21, 2024  

    An advertiser can create and launch an SEM campaign quickly. Tools like Google Ads provide maximum control over every element of a text ad. With the right attention to detail, successful campaigns with specific landing pages and calls to action can drive tremendous growth for businesses. However, depending on how competitive the landscape, costs per click can be high. SEM can often represent the largest line item on a digital marketing budget.

  • It’s Time to Diversify Lower-Funnel Tactics

    Leading Edge   May 21, 2024  

    E-commerce conversion rates for many brands have surprisingly taken a downturn in recent months. Recent industry data from Belardi Wong reveals a 7 percent decline in conversion rates for apparel and an even steeper 11 percent drop for home goods. This unsettling trend underscores the imperative for ecommerce brands to rethink their bottom-funnel remarketing strategies.

  • Brands as Beacons: The Power of Positive Content in Digital Advertising

    Leading Edge   May 20, 2024  

    Today’s online experiences have been built on the backs of advertising dollars, and those experiences have become increasingly unpleasant and detrimental to the human condition. Interestingly, this current state of affairs presents an interesting opportunity for leading brands.

  • It’s High Time for a CMO Rebrand to Drive Growth

    Leading Edge   May 20, 2024  

    Recent news that UPS and Etsy parted ways with their CMOs and weren’t going to replace them caused eyebrows to raise across the industry. And when Professor Scott Galloway declared that “CMOs are dead in 18 months or less,” our chins hit the floor! And all of this was before Starbucks recently dropped its CMO role.

  • Sharpen Your AI Marketing Skills with ANA's AI Hub

    Pulse   May 20, 2024  

    As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform the marketing landscape, marketers need to stay ahead of the curve and leverage the power of AI to drive growth and innovation. AI is a top priority for you and the ANA. As such, we have been prioritizing our mission of providing important and powerful resources to enable members with the tools they need to enhance their AI knowledge and skills.

  • The State of Walled Garden Misinformation: Implications for the 2024 Elections

    Leading Edge   May 17, 2024  

    While advertising on social platforms offers marketers precise targeting and highly customizable messaging, many brands are cautiously navigating the open nature of these complex and massive platforms.

  • Company Heritage as the Seedbed of Brand Purpose

    Pulse   May 16, 2024  

    Even for organizations that are principled and well-intentioned, landing on the right brand purpose to adopt is a significant challenge, carrying with it the potentially disastrous risk of coming off as a hapless poseur, or worse, a cynical opportunist trying to lucratively curry favor with earnest consumers.

  • Defending Your Brand: Expert Strategies for Handling Negative Press

    Leading Edge   May 16, 2024  

    The dating app Bumble recently launched what it thought would be an engaging new ad campaign promoting a brand redesign. One of the campaign’s key messages argued, “You know full well a vow of celibacy is not the answer.”

  • Boosting In-Housing ROI: Harnessing the Power of Creative Storytelling

    Leading Edge   May 15, 2024  

    As brands increasingly bring creative functions in-house, they gain greater control over their storytelling, boost efficiencies, costs, and accelerate their time-to-market. This approach provides a cohesive platform for developing creative concepts that can scale across channels, whether it’s brand marketing, social media, or e-commerce.

  • Creators Move Down Funnel to Performance Marketing

    Leading Edge   May 15, 2024  

    Creator marketing has officially moved down funnel and become a true performance marketing channel. Whether they’re paid affiliate commissions, flat fees per post/video, consulting fees, or a combination of the three, today’s creators are motivated to increase their marketing partners’ sales.

  • Programmatic Transparency: Website Overload – Little Reward, Lots of Risk

    Leading Edge   May 14, 2024  

    The ANA’s Programmatic Supply Chain Transparency Study revealed a statistic that should be particularly alarming to those who rely on inclusion lists, as I did when I was running a media buying function; the average campaign examined in the study ran on a staggering 44,000 websites. So, in this, the third post in our programmatic transparency series, let’s examine what’s going on here and how things should, and can, be done better.

  • Why I Have a "Three Scrolls Rule"

    Leading Edge   May 14, 2024  

    It’s important to experience your content the way your users are experiencing it. I’ve also known colleagues who have had “secret” or tester accounts. They’ll post content in the secret account first to see how it looks before posting it on the brand account. Your audience is not as invested in your content as you are, so if it doesn’t look good and isn’t compelling to you why would anyone else want to follow you?

  • Defining Your Brand’s Narrative and Mission

    Leading Edge   May 13, 2024  

    Globalization has increased every business’s opportunities, but it has also increased their competition. Offering a quality product or service is no longer enough to attract customers, meaning businesses must differentiate themselves from other companies and brands if they want to thrive and succeed, which involves taking steps to define their brand narrative and mission.

  • Digital Asset Management: Q&A with David Lipsey of FCx3

    Pulse   May 13, 2024  

    Ahead of the 2024 ANA Marketing Technology for Marketers Conference, David Lipsey, DAM industry co-founder/strategist, and managing partner, FCx3, explores how AI is shaping the importance of DAM, the opportunities and challenges it presents, and what industry leaders anticipate from this key event.

  • Why Marketers Need to Interrogate Their Exclusion and Inclusion Practices

    Leading Edge   May 10, 2024  

    In 2017, Procter & Gamble’s Marc Pritchard ignited a brand safety revolution at IAB’s Annual Leadership meeting when he called on the digital advertising ecosystem to clean up its act, particularly regarding the risk of brands’ ads appearing alongside unsavory and otherwise brand-unsafe content. Now, seven years later, a lot has changed — and even Pritchard’s evolving rallying cries suggest the ad industry overcorrected.

  • Creating a Learning Environment within Your Team

    Leading Edge   May 9, 2024  

    It’s important to build a team that’s empowered to learn. Rather than focusing solely on what your team members bring to the table in terms of skills and experience, put emphasis on the entire team, building new skills on an ongoing basis.

  • Healthcare and Manufacturing Are Looking Hard at CTV

    Leading Edge   May 8, 2024  

    Healthcare and manufacturing are the two industries whose interest in CTV has spiked most in recent weeks, and they’re neck-and-neck, followed closely by education, software, and business services, as measured by Bombora Company Surge.
