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Champions of Growth Podcast

  • Rebranding Effort Is a Marathon for New York Road Runners

    Champions of Growth Podcast   October 11, 2023  

    Erika Katz, head of brand marketing and studio at New York Road Runners (NYRR), joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss the NYRR’s rebranding campaign getting the message out for the upcoming New York City Marathon and making sure the event’s marketing and advertising efforts resonate with a global audience.

  • Can Movie Theaters Still Reel in Advertisers?

    Champions of Growth Podcast   September 27, 2023  

    Mike Rosen, chief revenue officer at National CineMedia (NCM), which sells ads for movie theaters, joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about the company’s new advertising services, why brands tend to underestimate the value of running in-theater spots, and whether movie theaters may be in for some reinvention.

  • How Marketers Foster Employee Relations

    Champions of Growth Podcast   September 13, 2023  

    Josh Ingram, founder and principal of MOST Wanted Co, joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss why it’s crucial that employees feel that they can be themselves at work, how employers can tap into their workers’ side hustles, and the benefits of both mentoring and reverse-mentoring.

  • Black Executive CMO Alliance (BECA) Plays a Crucial Role Spurring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Champions of Growth Podcast   August 30, 2023  

    BECA's Jerri DeVard joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss the apparent backsliding within the marketing and ad industries when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion, the danger for companies that give diversity short shrift and how CMOs and marketers develop new business models to build a more equitable workplace.

  • How Marketers Fortify Their "Castle"

    Champions of Growth Podcast   August 16, 2023  

    Sandeep Chennakeshu, COO of digital-imaging radar company Uhnder, joins host Matthew Schwartz for a wide-ranging discussion regarding how marketers can demonstrate their value and spike the top and bottom lines.

  • Ad Council Rallies Around Mental Health

    Champions of Growth Podcast   August 2, 2023  

    It’s okay not to feel okay. It’s part of the overriding message of a $65 million, multi-year mental health initiative by the Ad Council. Heidi Arthur joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about the campaign, working with brand partners to get the message out, and using the power of music to facilitate difficult conversations about mental health.

  • Cutting Through the Fog of Marketing

    Champions of Growth Podcast   June 28, 2023  

    Jim Williams, CMO of Uptempo, which provides marketing software, joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about the most effective ways for B2B marketers to update their operating models, align advertising strategy with execution, and communicate the benefits of marketing to an ever-growing number of stakeholders.

  • The Real Work on DEI Is Just Beginning

    Champions of Growth Podcast   June 14, 2023  

    Mediabrands' Diedre Small-Landau and Sheryl Daija from BRIDGE join host Matthew Schwartz to talk about where DEI currently stands throughout the marketing industry, what role CMOs and marketers need to play in driving real change, and why the time for philosophizing about DEI is long past its expiration date.

  • Brand Safety Is Job One for The Guardian

    Champions of Growth Podcast   May 31, 2023  

    Luis Romero, SVP of Advertising for North America at The Guardian U.S., joins host Matthew Schwartz, to talk about a recent deal which will enable advertisers an unfiltered and fully transparent view of users.

  • Is Podcasting the Future of Branded Advertising?

    Champions of Growth Podcast   May 18, 2023  

    Bryan Barletta and Tom Webster, cofounders of Sounds Profitable, join host Matthew Schwartz to discuss their recent study that explores the growing opportunities for using podcasts as an advertising vehicle, the state of industry standards for podcasting, and why it’s a good idea for companies to develop their own podcasts as the business rapidly matures.

  • Every Company Is a Media Company

    Champions of Growth Podcast   May 3, 2023  

    Saul Colt, founder of the Idea Integration Co., a Toronto-based agency specializing in comedic advertising, joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about his “Laugh, Think, Cry” model, why every company is a media company, and the reason why CMOs and marketers shouldn’t be so quick to poo-poo marketing stunts.

  • Less and Less Daylight Between B2C Marketing and B2B Marketing?

    Champions of Growth Podcast   April 26, 2023  

    Richard Parkinson, chief brand officer at Prudential Financial, joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about the company’s “Now What?” advertising campaign, why the brand has overhauled its marketing strategy in the last few years, and how the lines continue to blur between B2C and B2B marketing.

  • AB InBev Taps Into New Marketing Strategies

    Champions of Growth Podcast   April 10, 2023  

    Marcel Marcondes, global CMO at AB In Bev, joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about how the beer company is tapping into new markets, why it ceased its exclusive advertising rights to the Super Bowl, and what the “sober curious” movement means for the owner of Budweiser, Stella Artois, and other popular brands.

  • How to Pump Up the Volume for Podcast Advertising

    Champions of Growth Podcast   March 20, 2023  

    Bryan Barletta, a partner at Sounds Profitable, joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss why analysts are lowballing the overall value of podcasting, how a downturn in the economy may affect the market, and why the industry has barely scratched the surface when it comes to ad creative.

  • The CMO Salary Slope

    Champions of Growth Podcast   March 7, 2023  

    Nicole Balsam with Eastward Partners joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss the results of the research firm's U.S. CMO Market Report released in 2022. Balsam talks about the trendlines in CMO compensation and why the growing pressure on CMOs to bolster their digital capabilities transcends tenure.

  • Brand Love: The Heart of the Matter

    Champions of Growth Podcast   February 21, 2023  

    Aaron Ahuvia, author and professor of marketing at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss the contours of brand love and how companies should think about it when it comes to getting their message out and growing their audiences.

  • Community Powered Marketing Takes on New Currency

    Champions of Growth Podcast   February 13, 2023  

    Sue Frech, founder and CEO of Vesta, joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about why community powered marketing could be the antidote to the demise of third-party cookies as well as the most effective way to refurbish customer loyalty programs that are getting long in the tooth.

  • Why Does Ageism Persist in Advertising?

    Champions of Growth Podcast   February 6, 2023  

    Despite dramatic and accelerating changes in aging and the rise of the so-called “Silver Economy,” brands seem stuck in time when it comes to engaging the 50-plus crowd. Michael Clinton joins host Matthew Schwartz to discuss why ageism persists in marketing and advertising and what brand managers can do about it.

  • Looking Into Marketing Futures

    Champions of Growth Podcast   January 17, 2023  

    In a special episode of Champions of Growth, host Matthew Schwartz sits down with his colleague Mike Berberich, host of the ANA’s Marketing Futures podcast, to talk about some of the major challenges facing CMOs and marketers in 2023 and beyond.

  • New Stage for B2B Advertising?

    Champions of Growth Podcast   January 9, 2023  

    Jim Habig, VP of Marketing at Linkedin Marketing Solutions, joins host Matthew Schwartz to talk about how B2B ad creative is changing, why there is less and less daylight between B2B and B2C marketing playbooks, and the kind of content B2B buyers are looking for when they go into purchasing mode.


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